Welcome Letter!

Jeanine Nielson

A few reminders as we begin our new dance/cheer/tumbling season:

*All Classes Begin on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd- There are 5 Mondays in Sept, so Monday classes will get their classes in, just at the end of the month. 

*If you Ordered Dance Shoes/tights or purple poms for spirit cheer Teams, those will be at your child's class next week.

*Shoe Day- Our Final shoe day will be Wednesday Sept 4th from 5-6pm in the main lobby of #1.  If you missed our first shoe day, please be sure to come get your child sized so they can have the correct shoes/tights for performances.  Also, dance shoes get put on back order this time of year so we need to get them ordered ASAP

*Beginning Tap Class- We opened up a beginning tap class on Fridays 2:15-3:15pm- I had a few people ask about that, so it is open now if you are interested.  

* If you haven't uploaded the Sports Engine Motion App Please do that so you are up to date with your child's class info, all billing info and events for this year.  Be sure to get the sports engine motion app and not the sports engine app- they are different.  The Studio Code is UTTPD

All Info for this year can be found under the Events tab (calendar form) and the News Tab (monthly newsletters).  I also send out a monthly newsletter by email.  Please read this information, if you still have questions I have not answered feel free to email me at [email protected] or text me at 435-559-1510  I will answer you in a timely manner.  

* A few reminders for classes: We have a policy of no crop tops (bare mid-drifts) at the studio.  This is to simply stop the kids from comparing with others and spending time worrying about how they look in the mirrors.  We have found that they focus better by just wearing a leotard or full length tank top, etc to classes.  We want them in dance clothing/Athletic clothing that is form fitting for all classes with the exception of Hip Hop where they can have baggy clothing, but they shoudl still be able to move freely in them.  This applies to teachers and staff as well. 

*We have a post under the News link in the App or on our website that is titled "What to Wear" that outlines classes and what they should wear to each of them.  Please check that our if you have questions.

*If your child is in a Tiny Twos class- parents are welcome to come in class if needed, but also are welcome to go if your child is good without you.  Once they get comfortable in class and you can start leaving them, that is great. The Goal is to get them ready for the Preschool classes where parents are asked not to come in the room. We do ask that parents stay off phones and limit visiting with each other when class is going because it can get really loud for teachers trying to teach class over a lot of adults talking in the room. 

For Preschool and older classes- much like a preschool or regular school class, we as teachers need to be able to run class without kids running over to parents and needing something from them for the time that they are there.  Of course, if your child needs a little longer to get used to being left, we are understanding of that. If you can discuss with them that you will be leaving but that you will be back to pick them up so they are prepared for that, we find that is helpful. 

*If you have older children taking classes, please do not send friends to classes with them.  for liability reasons, unless students have permission and a liability waiver is signed or unless enrolled, they cannot take class or run around our classrooms causing a distraction.  Parents may wait in the lobby of #1 or #2 if they prefer to stay.  We do have cameras and a TV to view all classrooms in the lobby of studio #1- we are trying to get that set up again so that is working properly,  If anyone is good with that sort of thing, please contact me - I would love your help getting that all hooked up again. 

*Our Social Media Policy is posted in each lobby.  Please be aware that posting from classes is typically not allowed and teachers must approve anything posted that happens in our studio/Gym.  

*If you were referred to The Point by OnStage Dance Studio- Please email me so I can put you on our referral rate.  Even if you told me before, I want to make sure I have each of you in the correct billing hub before Sept 1st.  

*Be sure to update your child's T-Shirt size for this upcoming season!!! We order everyone a new t-shirt each year so you want to be sure you are getting them the correct size. They run about a size small so please order up if they are close on sizing.   We are only doing dance and cheer shirts this year.  please note which one you prefer if your child is taking both.  If they are taking one or the other, that is the shirt they will get. 

We are so excited to start up this year! Have a great Holiday weekend and we will see you next week!

Jeanine Nielson

The Point/Elite Cheer and Tumbling